Dam upgrade on popular Campbell River lake won’t affect recreation

May 24, 2022

The shores of McIvor Lake were calm and quiet on a sunny afternoon the Thursday before Victoria Day weekend. For many weekends to come, those very shores will be brimming with people wanting to take in all the lake has to offer.

BC Hydro’s Stephen Watson wants to ensure those who recreate on the marvelous body of water that the future construction project on Ladore Dam, aimed at making it more seismically secure, will not affect anybody’s ability to swim, paddle, fish, or water-ski nearby.

“I met with McIvor Lake residents in 2020, and I’m meeting with them again in June,” he explained. “Just to go over operations and this facility.”

Watson joked that in the absence of information, people can suggest what will happen, and rumours can start. “So there’s no reservoir level drawdown for this project,” he said. Even construction deliveries to the site will be arranged before 10 a.m. in order to keep local traffic uncluttered, Watson pointed out.

Read the full article on the Campbell River Mirror website.