BC Hydro considering recreation use during John Hart project site works
October 20, 2022
Site work has begun to prepare the area around the John Hart Dam for the upcoming John Hart Dam Seismic Upgrade Project.
BC Hydro says work is considering public safety and the surrounding trails.
“The biggest recreational touch point is the parking lot just to the north of the John Hart Dam off Brewster Lake Road that forms the trail heads to the Dean Martin Trail and Lower Deliverance Trail, and the Aligator Rock Bike Trail,” says BC Hydro spokesperson, Stephen Watson. “It is a popular spot for walkers and bikers. We recognize that and have been reaching out to key people for some time for their input.”
BC Hydro has been working with the City of Campbell River, BC Parks, and the River City Cycle Club to find ways to accommodate a new construction laydown location for that area, and slightly shift the parking lot and trail heads to the north while maintaining recreation access during the six years of project construction that starts in summer 2023.
Read the full article on the Campbell River Mirror website.