Design work for seismic upgrade of John Hart Dam continues

December 6, 2019

From the Campbell River Mirror:

BC Hydro’s planned seismic upgrades to the John Hart Dam are targeted to strengthen the dam so that it can withstand a major earthquake.

The design work to achieve that goal continues to be refined.

“The feasibility design stage has been completed and we are now fine tuning the design of the proposed works that include upgrades to the earthfill and concrete sections of the dam, a new overflow spillway under the road deck near the spillway gates, and the replacement of the three spillway gates and related works,” said BC Hydro spokesperson, Stephen Watson. “This includes optimization of size of the upstream and downstream berms that will widen the dam to make it seismically stronger, and the length and placement of a new water seepage cutoff wall that provides an impermeable barrier to contain the reservoir even after a major earthquake. From this process we will get a final design.”

Read the full article on the Campbell River Mirror website